Page 26 - Commentator_Nov2017
P. 26

NEIGHBORHOOD MARINE WATCH             Mike Fauci, PIO Member,

                                                                     PUNTA GORDA ISLES
                                                                   NEIGHBORHOOD MARINE


                                                             VOLUNTEERS WHO SERVE WHILE THE
                                                                       COMMUNITY SLEEPS

                                                     A big welcome back for our seasonal residents. As a reminder, as the
                                                         number of boats and equipment on our docks increases, the
                                                    opportunities for theft also increase. Protect your property and don’t be
                                                    an easy target.  Steps to consider are using motion security lighting, not
                                                    leaving expensive electronics exposed, and removing fishing equipment
                                                     from the boat or dock when not in use. In addition, our Neighborhood
                                                        Marine Watch (NMW) will continue to provide on-water nightly
                                                       patrols.  The highly visible NMW patrol boats serve as a criminal
                                                   deterrent, alerting police about any suspicious activity in or about the PGI
                                                     canals. The patrols are provided by volunteers, using their own boats
                                                             and resources, with no cost to the Civic Association,
                                                                     City of Punta Gorda or the PGPD.

                                                     If you can commit no more than two hours per month, and would like to
                                                     give back to the community, NMW needs you.  Seasonal residents are
                                                      welcome. Contact Bill Guenther at, for
                                                                            more information.
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