Page 24 - Commentator_Nov2017
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EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES - Continued from page 23
TAI CHI DOUBLE FAN FORM PART II: (Not necessary to know Part I) This class will run for 10
weeks starting Monday, November 6, 10 - 11 a.m. The purpose of the Double Fan Form: 1) enhance
the brain action with Yin Yang movements, 2) improve balance and focus, 3) increase self-esteem,
4) have fun. Tai Chi is a martial art form that is known as meditation in motion. The slow movements
help the practitioner to increase muscle, joint health, blood circulation, focus, and balance. It is used
especially for the more senior person to improve and maintain good health. More and more seniors
are practicing Tai Chi because it is easy and fun. The Double Fan form is particularly challenging and
satisfying. The focus is on building coordination using the Yin Yang principles. The form that is being
offered at PGICA this November is designed for women only. It is similar to dancing and makes you
feel graceful and pretty. It is not necessary to have any Tai Chi experience, only a desire to have fun
and improve balance and health. The cost is $100 for the 10 weeks plus the cost of the fans. It is limited to 10 students.
Contact Mary Cel Curtis at or through our website
ZUMBA FIESTA: Every Tuesday and Friday, 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Cost is $10 a session, registration not required.
Experience an absolute blast in one exhilarating hour of caloric-burning, body-energizing, awe-inspiring movements
meant to engage and captivate for life. Zumba routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms
and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. Add some Latin flavor and
international zest into the mix and you've got ZUMBA. Contact Carla with questions at 941-276-1887 or
Come to a free plant lecture about orchids.
Would you love to grow orchids but feel
intimidated? Actually, they are easier than you
think. The Master Gardener Plant Clinic this
month will be focusing on orchids. Our
program begins at 2 p.m. on Tuesday,
November 21 here at the PGICA.
Sandy Price, President of the Charlotte Orchid
Society, will be talking about “How to care for
Epiphytic Orchids”. An Epiphytic Orchid is one
that derives its moisture and nutrients from the
air, rain, or from debris accumulating around
it. In nature they cling to any sturdy support, often a tree limb, sometimes even a rock. In
other words, they do not need to be potted in the traditional sense. Sandy will demonstrate
how to mount the orchids to mimic their native environments, and will share strategies on how
to display and care for them. Sandy is an inspirational speaker, and you will leave with some
new ideas for displaying and enjoying these beauties around your home.
For those of you who are new to our third Tuesday at 2 p.m. Plant Clinic, we always offer a
free program or demonstration on a pertinent horticultural topic. Following our program, we
share tips appropriate to growing conditions each month
and answer plant identification and pest questions
individually. Bring
your samples in a
sealed plastic
baggie, and take
some photos so that
we can see the
extent of your
If there is a special
topic that you would
like us to introduce,
please call Nancy
Palmer at