Page 18 - Commentator_Jul/Aug2017
P. 18

ACBL DUPLICATE BRIDGE                                                     Mary Chupak, 941-575-1755,
                                          Hi Sarah: Partner and I agreed to play Jacoby transfer bids. She opened with 1 No
                                          Trump (15 to 17 HCP). My right hand opponent overcalled 2 Clubs. Since I held
                                          ♠K Q 3; ♥A 9 8 5 2; ♦8 3; ♣Q 5 2, I planned to transfer to hearts. Are transfers still
                                          on after an opponent overcalls? CB and MR

                                          Traditionally, Jacoby Transfers were used in response to 1 NT opening bids to
                                          allow the NT opener to be the declarer. Having the opening lead come toward the
                                          declaring hand is usually worth an extra trick. Two clubs is Stayman. Two
                                          diamonds (Jacoby transfer bid) asks opener to bid two hearts. Two hearts (Jacoby
                                          transfer bid) asks opener to bid two spades. Two spades (Jacoby transfer bid)
                                          asks opener to bid three clubs which can be corrected to three diamonds if
                                          necessary. Two No Trump is invitational to three No Trump (8 or 9 points). Opener
                                          must announce Transfer as soon as responder makes his bid. This system works
                                          beautifully until the opponents interfere. A lot of partnerships play SYSTEMS OFF
                                          after interference, meaning all successive bids are natural.

        But many partnerships are now playing SYSTEMS ON after interference. After opponent overcalls two clubs, Double -
        TOYS (Took Over Your Suit) is Stayman. And we can continue the transfer system for hearts, spades, and the minors. If
        the overcaller bids two diamonds, Double (TOYS) is the transfer to hearts, and a three diamond bid cue bid is Stayman.
        If opponent bids two hearts, Double (TOYS) for the transfer to spades and cue bid three hearts for Stayman. Of course,
        the point count has to support the Stayman bids. When you play with a new partner, you should discuss whether or not
        you want to play Jacoby Transfers with SYSTEMS ON!

        Please join us at 1 p.m. on Mondays and Fridays for ACBL Duplicate Bridge. Share hands, comments, and questions
        with Sarah Robin. E-mail:

         BRIDGE CLUBS                                                                     See Individual Clubs for Contact Information

         LADIES FRIDAY BRIDGE                       Sharon Biernat, 941-833-4441 or 941-286-3062,

         May 5:                  May 12:                    May 19:                     May 26:
         1 – Jane Stenberg       1 – Elaine Erickson        1 – Nancy Crimmins          1 – Marian Harkins
         2 – Dot Gross           2 – Ruby Norris            2 – Susie Humphries         2 – Jeanne Hogan
         3 – Sharon Biernat      3 – Jeanne Hogan           3 – Marcia Schuman          3 – Brenda Wilmes
         Melissa Brown and Ruby Norris bid and made a grand slam.

         Congratulations to our winners. We meet every Friday at 12:15 p.m. Play starts shortly thereafter. All players are
         required to be members of the Civic Association. To join the Association, please call the front desk at 941-637-1655 or
         visit the Association’s website, and select “Membership”. If you wish to play and are not signed up,
         please contact Sharon Biernat at
         MONDAY NIGHT DUPLICATE BRIDGE                                             Lois Olsen, 941-575-2248,

         May 15:                                               June 5:
         First – Christ Taylor, Pauline Tellier                First – Marcia Ling, Lois Olsen
         Second - Lila Jameson, Mid Nobel                      Second - Julia Stromeckyj and Jeanne Hogan
                                                               (Tie)    Polly and Gene Engebrecht

         We play at 7 p.m. on the first and third Monday of the month. Anyone who is a member of the Civic Association
         is invited to join us. If you wish to play and want additional information, please contact Lois Olsen, 941-575-2248, or Sharon Biernat, 941-833-4441,

         MEN’S SOCIAL BRIDGE                                           Randy Rosen, 941-661-6957,

         Please join us for Men’s Social Bridge Monday morning 9 a.m. to Noon. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet some great
         guys, play bridge, and talk. We look forward to having you join us. Questions? Call Randy 941-505-4036.

         COUPLES BRIDGE                                                         Mary Lee Ruelle, 941-575-4839,
         Couples Bridge meets at 2 p.m. the first and third Wednesday each month at the Civic Association. We are a fun group
         and invite anyone wanting to play and enjoy a nice afternoon. Contact Mary Lee at 941-575-4839.
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