Page 22 - Commentator_June2017
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EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Carol Duncan, 941-815-0999,
NOTE CHANGE IN REGISTRATION: In order to participate in any class (unless otherwise
stated) you must preregister and pay the fee at least three days before the date of the class.
You may call and charge the fee by credit card or stop in the office and pay by cash, check
or credit card. You will not be enrolled until the fee is paid. Most classes have a minimum
enrollment requirement and the class will be canceled if that number is not met. All classes
offered at the Punta Gorda Isles Civic Association are open to the general public. Register at the
PGICA office or call 941-637-1655. Please provide your telephone number and an e-mail address
when you register so you can be notified in case of a class change or cancellation.
BEYOND PGI: Hidden Costa Rica: Tuesday, June 6, 7 to 8 p.m. Barbe Koss and Paul Joly will show and talk about the
other side of Costa Rica where tourists seldom go. Registration not required.
SANDWICH SEMINAR: Tuesday, June 20, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sandwich Seminar is open to the public and sponsored
by Bayfront Healthcare Punta Gorda, which provides lunch at no cost to attendees. See the enclosed flyer for this
month’s topic. You must preregister by calling PGICA at 941-637-1655.
ART, OIL PAINTING: Monday, June 12, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (second class will be held June 19 from 10 a.m. to 3:30
p.m.) Jan Britland teaches a fun and easy day long class using the “Bob Ross Technique”. Beginners are encouraged to
attend. All students get to take their finished painting home with them the same day. The $50 fee includes a canvas and
all materials needed to complete the painting. Class size is limited, so call PGICA 941-637-1655 to register. Wear old
clothes, bring your lunch, and enjoy a full day of painting. This fun class is offered monthly. Reminder - payment is
required when registering.
BALLROOM DANCE CLASSES: Weekly, Thursdays, from 4 to 5 p.m. Lynn Pitz, former New York Athletic Club
ballroom dance instructor, teaches classes suitable for the beginner and intermediate dancer, in a variety of Latin
International and American styles. Leather soled shoes should be worn for class. The cost of each class is $10 per
person. Don’t sit on the sidelines at the next party or event, learn to dance! For class information contact Lynn at
941-505-1506 or You must pre-register for summer classes (see above information on registering).
BASKETWEAVING CLASS (JUNE)– FOOTED PLANTER: Three Tuesdays, June 6 through 20, 2 to 5
p.m. This is a great class for skill levels beginner to advanced beginners, or for anyone that wants a
basket that has a variety of uses. Beginners will learn the basics of a round spoked basket that teaches
the fundamental skills for making a variety of round baskets. Advanced beginners will reinforce the skills
they have learned in the beginner class as well as learning some new skills. No previous basketweaving
experience is required. The $70 class fee includes all weaving materials necessary to complete the basket. Class size is
limited to six students. Refer any questions to the instructor, Teresa Comeaux, (941) 347-7640 or The last day to register for the June class will be June 1.
BASKETWEAVING CLASS (JULY)- BERRY BASKET: Three Tuesdays, July 18 through August 1, 9
a.m. to noon. Prerequisite: One previous basketweaving class or permission of the instructor. This is a
great class to reinforce the skills learned in a beginner class as well as learning some new skills. The
$65 class fee includes all weaving materials necessary to complete the basket. Class size is limited to
six students. Refer any questions to the instructor, Teresa Comeaux, (941) 347-7640 or The last day to register for this class will be July 11, one week prior to the beginning of class.
Register at the PGICA office or call 941-637-1655.
DAO YIN SHENG GONG: Wednesdays,10 to 11 a.m. This Stretch and Balance is the most popular and most helpful
class for recovering one’s balance. It utilizes an ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) system of gentle twisting
motions, breath control, stimulation of acupressure points in the body and mental development. These fluid harmonious
movements will improve energy circulation, loosen the joints, tone up and oxygenate muscles and relax the nervous
system. Cost is $8 per lesson, registration not required, pay before class. Call PGICA 941-637-1655 or Instructor
Richard Curtis 407-923-9310 or
DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY ADVANCED: Second Wednesday every month at 9 a.m. This group of dedicated digital
photographers study both picture taking techniques and processing pictures with Adobe Photo Shop or similar software.
The group occasionally takes photographic field trips. If you are interested in improving your skills, are familiar with
Adobe Photo Shop or other similar programs, please come and join them. Free, no registration.