Page 18 - Commentator_June2017
P. 18
ACBL DUPLICATE BRIDGE Mary Chupak, 941-575-1755,
Hi Sarah: I was dealt this hand at our PGI Duplicate game: ♠A J 9 3; ♥none; ♦Q J
6 3; ♣A K 6 5 3. My partner opened the bidding with 1 No Trump (15 -17 HCP and
a balanced hand). I responded 2 Clubs (Stayman) to see if he had a 4 card major
suit. He responded 2 Hearts. I know we don’t have a major suit fit, but we belong
in game. I now bid 3 Diamonds and he passed! I made 6 for a bottom board.
Obviously, we had a misunderstanding. I thought 3 Diamonds was forcing and he
didn’t think so! What is your feeling on forcing bids? M B
In Bid Better, Play Better, one of Dorothy Truscott’s principles of forcing bids
states that a new suit by responder is forcing for one round. Many partnerships
use Stayman as the first step to show a five card or longer minor suit with interest
in a slam contract. After a 1 No Trump opener, responder starts with Stayman.
Opener rebids bids 2 Diamonds, 2 Hearts or 2 Spades. Responder now bids his 5
card minor. This is a forcing bid, showing 5 or more cards in the minor suit. With a
minimum NT hand, opener just bids 3 No Trump. Any other bid shows interest in
the minor suit slam! Of course, both partners need an understanding of this
sequence and agree to play this particular variation of Stayman! Your partner’s
hand was ♠K 5 2; ♥A K J 2; ♦K T 8 2; ♣Q 4. Three No Trump is probably par for this hand. Partners should discuss which
bids are forcing.
Please join us at 1 p.m. on Mondays and Fridays for ACBL Duplicate Bridge. Share hands, comments, and questions
with Sarah Robin. E-mail:
BRIDGE CLUBS See Individual Clubs for Contact Information
LADIES FRIDAY BRIDGE Sharon Biernat, 941-833-4441 or 941-286-3062,
April 7: April 14: April 21: April 28:
1 – Sue Bennett 1 – Ruby Norris 1 – Dot Gross 1 – Sue Bennett
2 – Jane Stenberg 2 – Pauline Tellier 2 – Ruby Norris 2 – Elaine Erickson
3 – Pauline Tellier 3 – Jane Stenberg 3 – Jane Stenberg 3 – Ruby Norris
Congratulations to our winners. We meet every Friday at 12:15 p.m. Play starts shortly thereafter. All players are
required to be members of the Civic Association. To join the Association, please call the front desk at 941-637-1655
or visit the Association’s website at and select “Membership”. If you wish to play and are not signed
up, please contact Sharon Biernat at
April 17: May 1:
1 - Chris Taylor and Pauline Tellier 1 - Jeanne Hogan and Melissa Brown
2 - Melissa Brown and Jeanne Hogan 2 - Christine Kwak and Jane Stenberg
3 - Yvonne Heer and Shirley Smith 2 - Marcia Ling and Sharon Biernat
3 - Arlene and Ray Rothhaar
3 - Carolyn Brox and Lois Olsen
Second and third places were tied.
We play at 7 p.m. on the first and third Monday of the month. Anyone who is a member of the Civic Association is invited to
join us. If you wish to play and want additional information, please contact Lois Olsen at 941-575-2248, or Sharon Biernat at 941-833-4441,
MEN’S SOCIAL BRIDGE Randy Rosen, 941-661-6957,
Please join us for Men’s Social Bridge Monday morning 9 a.m. to Noon. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet some
great guys, play bridge, and talk. We look forward to having you join us. Questions? Call Randy 941-505-4036.
COUPLES BRIDGE Mary Lee Ruelle, 941-575-4839,
Couples Bridge meets at 2 p.m. the first and third Wednesday each month at the Civic Association. We are a fun group
and invite anyone wanting to play and enjoy a nice afternoon. Contact Mary Lee at 941-575-4839.