Page 25 - Commentator_June2017
P. 25
The Shorebirds
League enjoyed a
fantastic end of
season banquet at
St. Andrews. Tons of
cash prizes and
cruises were
awarded. Just joking
about the cruises.
League president
Wally had everyone laughing for most of
the night. Wally is pictured here with Mike
Fauci. It was a tight battle right down to the
last game of the last night for the top five
positions, which resulted in a three way tie
for Third Place. The final standings for the
second half season was First - Coo-Coos,
Second - PGI Snowbirds, Third (tie)
Ospreys, Cranes, and PGI Albatross. The
overall champs for entire season with their
First and Third Places finishes were the
PGI Albatross. They won overall First Place
by one point. The league awards two points
for each game won, so I think I can safely Mike Fauci with League President Wally Jachimek
say it was a pretty competitive season. The
PGI Albatross (Max and Nila Rowland, Tamara Dillman, and Joe Kohrman) are pictured here.
Even though the season has
ended, a number of us
continue to meet weekly for
some friendly bowling and
possibly a cold beer. Please
come out and join us on
Mondays at the usual time.
Just tell the front desk you
want to have some fun with
the Shorebird bowlers.
The league will start forming
the new teams in
September, with bowling
resuming in early October.
Last season we had 20
teams and we still have
available alley space to add
a few additional teams. You
do not have to have a full
team to join. The league will
form the teams. If you do
have four players and want
to bowl as a team, no
problem. So if you want to
be a full time bowler, please
contact Mike and he’ll put
you on the players list. The
Max and Nila Roland, Tamara Dillman, and Joe Kohrman league will always need
substitutes every week so
please plan to come bowl with us on Mondays at 3 p.m. The alleys are Bowland, 3192 Harbor Boulevard, Port Charlotte.
If you are considering filling in as substitute bowler, joining a team, or need additional information, please e-mail Mike
Fauci (Hawks) at