Page 11 - Commentator_Jan2018
P. 11

SEAFARERS CRUISING CLUB          Harry Ensley, Commodore,,

                                December was a busy month for the
                                Seafarers, not so much in boating events
                                but in gatherings and parties to celebrate
                                the holiday season. The Seafarers did
                                take a lunch cruise to Miller’s Dockside
                                Bar & Grill in Boca Grande. A group of 45
         Seafarers made the trek to Boca Grande, mostly by boat, a few by
         car, to dine at one of our favorite eateries.

         We also had the biggest party of the year, the Change of Watch, at
         the Isles Yacht Club in early December. The transfer of duties from
         the 2017 board to the 2018 board was celebrated with food, drink,
         and dancing to music provided by the Latitudes. The incoming board
         members are: Peter Fucini, commodore; Joe Preece, vice-
         commodore; Terry Miller, treasurer; Bob Riggs, education; Kay
         Abbs, communications; and Kerry Foscardo, membership. The
         continuing members of the board are: Brad Gamblin, treasurer; Mike
         Slattery, social director; Gary Cameron, cruise director; and Harry
         Ensley, past commodore.

         January will start the busy boating season, provided the weather
         cooperates. The first cruise of the year is a lunch cruise to the Nav-
                                                       A-Gator Grill.
                                                       Now that the
                                                       weather has
                                                       cooled down a
                                                       bit, the gators
                                                       are out on the
                                                       banks of the
                                                       Peace River
                                                       soaking up a
                                                       little sunshine.
                                                       The Nav-A-Gator is always a fun run but watch out for the sandbar
                                                       (it’s well marked) at the entrance to the marina. Later in the month,
                                                       we have another lunch cruise to the Waterside Grill at the Gasparilla
                                                       Marina. This is a nice destination since both small and larger boats
                                                       can navigate the waters. The last boating event in January is an
                                                       overnight cruise to the Legacy Harbour Marina in Fort Myers.

         We Seafarers enjoy the company of many active members planning and participating in our fun boating and land
         adventures. If you would like to see if our boating group is for you, join us for our happy hour on the second and fourth
         Thursday of each month at Saint Andrews South Golf Club from 5 to 7 or come to our general meeting held at the
         PGICA on the fourth Tuesday of each month. If you have decided you want to join us, contact our membership chair,
         Kerry Foscardo at

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