Page 34 - Commentator_feb2018
P. 34
PGICA ACOUSTIC MUSIC CLUB Dan Osborne, 941-505-2509,
Here we have
several photos of a
recent meeting this
past month. This
month we will
introduce one of our
newest members,
Ed Ormston, who
grew up on Cape
Cod for most of his life. His schooling was all on the Cape and
was followed by Ed starting an auto repair business, which he
owned and operated for 45 years.
As a result of his
experience he was
certified as an ASE
master auto technician.
He met his wife, Beverly, on the Cape and they became Florida snowbirds which
they continue to be to this day. They have been sailors, having sailed their boat for
one year to Florida where they wintered on the boat for several years. Their year of
sailing included off shore sailing to the Bahamas. Leaving the sailing life behind and
buying a condo in PGI
was next for them. Ed
learned guitar somewhat
later in life and played
mostly in private with
some informal gigs at
the local yacht club. The
guitar took a leave of
absence for many years
due to work
responsibilities. Having
lived in Punta Gorda for
Ed Ormston several years, Ed
recently decided to
become involved with music in a group setting by becoming a
member of the Acoustic Music Club. It was not long before Ed
fit in by becoming an engaged member of our club. His
musical contributions, enthusiasm, and interest in our
technology have made Ed a very welcome member. Looking
ahead, the Acoustic Music Club will once again most likely be
doing the opening for William Florian on March 17 when he
will perform a John Denver tribute show. I am sure some of
you saw William Florian, formerly of the New Christie Minstrels, several years ago at the PGICA. Be sure not to miss his
performance because once again it should be a great show.