Page 9 - Commentator_Nov2017
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you’d like to participate in the club as a planner or doer, you can still check with Steve Brown, 810-522-5431, Bill Muir, 765
-714-0343, or Susan Brown, 804-370-8319, to see if there are spots yet to be filled. As has been the norm, we would like
you to sign up ahead of time on the club’s website calendar as the club will provide the food!
There will be no Dine Around for November and December due to all of the holiday centered activities already planned.
Rosanne Kruse is looking for someone to help her next year who would be willing to take over the task in the following
year. Please contact her at or 941-916-1754. And be sure to check back with us for the January
Dine Around!
Groups of special interest to club members have been meeting through the summer and continue all year long. A group of
ladies currently meet for a book club in the evening but have limited or no space available. If you’d like to start another
group, feel free to contact Lisa Koeneman at 540-580-5965 or Linda Cram at 401-474-2436 to see how they organized
their group.
Darts for Newcomers and others meets at the Ice
House Pub, 408 Tamiami Trail on November 28. To get
on the list for the next event or others, send an email to The spots fill up quickly.
Folks meet about 5 eat and get their team
assignments (luck of the draw) about 5:45 p.m. for
games that begin at 6 p.m. First place winners in
September were Mark Dillman and Randy Douet.
Biking with Friends roll out from in front of the PGI Grille
on Aqui Esta and Bal Harbor each Thursday morning at
8:30 a.m. This is a recreational ride of usually 10 to12
miles. Helmets are highly recommended.
Contact Sue Manternach at 239-339-7517, for more information. Join the
fun on your recumbent, cruiser, hybrid or road bike.
These are the specific club activities planned for you.
There are so many others in the area. Get out and
explore and enjoy! The best part of the year is coming! Darts Winners
November 7, at 7 p.m.
The 2018 Board of Directors slate of candidates is presented as follows and will be voted
on at the Annual Membership Meeting.
President - Aaron Wagner
President-Elect - Frank Easby Smith
Secretary - Carol Geiger
Treasurer - Ron Olsen
Center Administrator - Jack Gardner
Education - Carol Duncan
Government - John Miller
Health/Safety/Welfare – Janet Lynn
Member Activities - Barbe Koss
Membership - Cindy Morrell
Marketing - Steve Brown
Planning - Dan Kain
Past President - Debbie Carey