Page 8 - Commentator_Nov2017
P. 8

NEWCOMERS CLUB           Jay Darst, 913-226-8471,,

         Folks are slowly making their way back to the area after leaving for the hot rainy months of the summer and to escape
         Hurricane Irma. It is a blessing that we were spared the heaviest toll of the storm. In the next weeks and months, the
         stories will surely be told by those who fled and those who stayed. There are certainly more good news stories to be

         The big event of the year is coming in December! The annual club Christmas party will be Wednesday, December 6 at
         Twin Isles Country Club, 301 Madrid Boulevard, Punta Gorda. Susan McKittrick’s committee has been planning the
         event and looks forward to your reservations! Tatz 2 will be playing all our favorite dance tunes and the menu of hors
         d’oeuvres and choice of entrees should suit every palate. This is one party not to be missed! See the club e-blasts and
         the club website calendar for sign-up and payment information.

         Our Happy Hours continue for Newcomers on Wednesday, November 1 and 15.                        Happy Hour
         We meet from 5-7 p.m. at St. Andrews South Golf Club, 1901 Deborah Drive.
         Susan Brown,, and Michelle Maloney,, will greet and coordinate the evenings which offer tall
         tales, light snacks and cold beverages. Prospective members are welcome to
                                                       attend. Members should feel
                                                       free to invite new residents!
          Happy Hour

                                                       Hosted Dinners will be
                                                       kicking into higher gear in
                                                       November as more people
                                                       return. Mike Koeneman will
                                                       be handling the task starting
                                                       this month. Let him know
                                                       you’d like to participate as a
                                                       host or diner at
                                                       Usually three - four couples
                                                       meet at a host home and
                                                       share responsibility for a
                                                       portion of the meal. It is
                                                       always BYOB. This is one of
                                                       the best ways to meet others
                                                       in the club in a relaxed
                                                       setting. Come join the fun!

                                                       Men’s Lunch Bunch will
                                                       meet at noon, Wednesday,
                                                       November 8 at Leroy’s
                                                       Southern Kitchen, 201 W.
                                                       Marion Avenue. There is no
                                                       need to sign up before, but
                                                       Joe Bukowski at
                                                       Jay Darst at 913-220-8471,
                                                       provide more information.
                                                                                   Dine Around
                                                       Ladies Lunch for
                                                       Wednesday November 8 has
                                                       not been determined. Deb Morlachetta, 609-502-8243,
                                             , will be making the arrangements. Please
                                                       sign up on the club’s website calendar.

                                                       The club’s annual general membership meeting has been moved to
                                                       Friday, November 17 at 5:30 p.m. due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
                                                       This will be in the PGICA main meeting room. We need to have
                                                       about 60 members at this meeting to vote on the slate of
                                                       candidates proposed by the nominating committee. Other
                                        Dine Around    nominations may also be made from the floor. If you’ve thought

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