Page 49 - Commentator_Nov2017
P. 49
Nominations for the 2017 Recognition Program
are now closed. Any nominations received after
the October 9 deadline will be held over to next
year. The committee would like to thank all of
you who took the time and made the effort to
complete a nomination. Each nomination will be
reviewed by the committee. On November 7,
the Class of 2017 will be introduced at the
Annual Meeting of the PGICA. An engraved
brick will be set in the Recognition Garden to
honor those elected.
The PGICA recognizes in this special way
“those who have made a difference”. However,
we all realize that success is a team effort and
no one individual can be successful without the
hard work of many others. Congratulations to
the members of the Class of 2017 and thank
you to all who volunteer to make Punta Gorda a
great place to live.
Please make every effort to attend the PGICA
Annual Meeting. In addition to the Recognition Program, there will be the annual election of officers, a review of the
finances of the PGICA and consideration by the membership of a number of items that require a ballot.
An informed membership bodes success for any organization.