Page 32 - Commentator_Nov2017
P. 32

PGI CRUISING CLUB                                                       Larry MacKinnon,

                                 As we come into
                                 November, we have
                                 many things to be
                                 thankful for. We are
                                 extremely thankful that
                                 many of us did not do
                                 that bad with
                                 Hurricane Irma! Our
         winter family and friends are returning, our
         season is starting to kick in at full speed, and we
         have the holidays to look forward to (without the
         cold and snow). We are coming off of a pretty
         busy month for October. Our weekly happy hours
         at St. Andrews South have been filling up more
         and more every week with returning friends and
         new members checking our club out. Our
         traditional “Welcome Back Snow Bird” pizza party and quarterly meeting was held at the PGICA
         in October. We had our fall 2017 Poker Run at the end of the October too. In November we
         celebrate the 20  Anniversary for the PGI Cruising Club at our Annual Dinner dance in the Twin
         Isles Country Club. Although I enjoyed the lax and lazy summer and fall months, it’s good to be
         back in the action. Our first Ice House Dart night will be Thursday, Nov 2, so come join us for
                                                                              dinner and darts!
                                                                              So, welcome
                                                                              back club
                                                                              members, and I hope we see you again
                                                                              this season. If you’re interested in meeting
                                                                              our members and checking us out, stop
                                                                              and see us every Tuesday, 5 p.m. at St.
                                                                              Andrews South. Tell ’em Larry sent you.

                                                                              See you around town – Larry

                                                                              "You can tell you ate too much for
                                                                              Thanksgiving when you have to let your
                                                                              bathrobe out."    Jay Leno

         Poker Run

                                                                                          PGI Cruising Club 1997
                                                                                       Sunset from Laishley Marina
           Poker Run Decorations
   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37