Page 27 - Commentator_Jul/Aug2017
P. 27
PGISLANDERS Ken Eitenmiller, Commodore, 815-985-2489,
Education - The June educational
program featured Catherine A.
Miller who is the Canal
Maintenance Supervisor for Punta
Gorda. In that capacity she is
responsible for both Punta Gorda
Isles and Burnt Store Isles Canals.
Catherine brought with her a very professional PowerPoint
presentation which took us through the entire process of
rebuilding a seawall. Of particular interest was a set of
picture slides showing the various failures that can occur
involving a seawall and what then must be done to repair
them. I must admit that the entire process is much more
involved than I had imagined and we all thank Catherine for
an educational presentation.
Cruising - As we prepare for summer, a
team of members is putting the final
touches on our signature summer event,
the Annual Fourth of July Cruise to
Laishley. This cruise is a combination
event with our Annual July Third
Extravaganza and Barbecue at Laishley
Park. We’ll be in the Community Room
located behind the Marina Office from
5:30 to 8:30 p.m. There will be a very
short Monthly Meeting at the dinner.
Cruisers will either stay at the marina or
in the mooring field with everyone else
coming by car. Also, we have had a very
successful cruise to South Seas Resort
and Marina. This cruise had seventeen
boats participating which I believe is close
to our record.
Social - During the month, we had a trip
to The Butterfly Estates in Fort Myers.
Tour was at 11 a.m. with lunch following
at The Gathering Place which is next
door. Also, a group of Islanders had lunch at Jason’s Deli and then visited Regal Town Center Stadium 16 to view a
movie of their choice. A good time was
had by all.
Meet the Islanders - Interested in joining?
Want to know more about us? Find out
more at Our
monthly meetings are held the first
Thursday of every month at the PGICA
building. Meetings start at 7 p.m. with a
presentation on a marine-related topic.
We hold an informal social on the second
and fourth Mondays of each month from
5 to 7 p.m. at St. Andrews. For any
questions about membership, contact
one of our Membership Directors,
Richard or Joann Collins at 281-543-8781
or for other questions about the club,
contact the Commodore at
815-985-2489. Or even better, c'mon
down to see us at one of our meetings or