Page 12 - Commentator_Dec2017
P. 12

ROAD RUNNERS RV CLUB                            Ellen Say, President, 941-505-9605,

                                                     The holiday season is here. And as usual, it is filled with holiday
                                                     parties, holiday decorating, holiday with family and friends, et cetera. It
                                                     is a very busy time of year. So the Road Runners decided to move our
                                                     get-together to January 11 for an "After the Holidays" party.

                                                     Fire Chief Ray Briggs and Operation Chief Holden Gibbs were guest
                                                     speakers at our November meeting. They shared with us the many
                                                     things our Punta Gorda Fire Department does for the residents of our
                                                     city. They don't just put out fires. They are EMTs and many of them are
                                                     paramedics. We all went home feeling more secure about where we
                                                     live, knowing this remarkable department is ready to help us. Check
                                                     out their Red Dot program on the city website. Red Dot is a medical
                                                     information program which provides essential information to
                                                     emergency personnel who arrive at your front door when you dial 911.

                                                     Twice a year we schedule a Dinner and Darts night at the Ice House
                                                     Pub. On November 16 we enjoyed the friendly competition and, for
                                                     many of us, the challenge of hitting the dart board. It was a fun

         Over Thanksgiving
         weekend, the Road
         Runners were on the
         road again going all
         the way to Ft. Myers.
         We enjoyed
         Thanksgiving dinner
         with other RVers at
         Upriver RV Resort.
         The park prepared
         the turkey and
         stuffing. The other
         dishes on the menu
         were provided by
         those of us attending
         the dinner.

         On Saturday morning
         we went on the
         ECHO Global Farm
         Tour. ECHO
         Headquarters is
         located in North Ft.
         Myers. ECHO is an
         information hub for
         practitioners around
         the world who gather
         solutions for solving
         hunger problems. The
         purpose is to help those teaching farmers around the world how to be more effective in producing enough to meet the
         needs of their families and communities. They then teach others and the ECHO continues.

         The ECHO Global Farm Tour included unique demonstrations, plants, and techniques useful to farmers and urban
         gardeners in developing countries. The seven settings of the Global Farm featured crops, techniques, and animals from
         around the world. It is also home to one of the largest collections of tropical plants in the United States.

         Our regular December meeting will be on December 14 at 7 p.m. at the Civic Association building. If you have a free
         evening and would like to learn more about our travels and activities, stop by. We enjoy meeting new friends and sharing
         our love of RVing.

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