Page 11 - Commentator_Apr2018
P. 11

CELEBRATE LIFE  Ladies Cancer Support Group     Carol Davidson , 941-575-0956,

                                    We were very pleased to have Dr. Daniel
                                    Dosoretz, MD of 21st Century Oncology speak
                                    at our March meeting. He did a Power Point
                                    presentation entitled: “Update on Cancer:
                                    Trends and Therapies.” Dr. Dosoretz used the
                                    slides and handouts to reinforce his explanation
                                    of the latest cancer treatment options available.
                                    He described these latest advancements in a
                                    way we could all understand about the new
                                    technologies, such as advancement in genetics,
                                    studies of germinal mutations and now
                                    immunotherapies and now stereotactic
                                                                  Therapy. As
                                                                  survivors, we
                                                                  love to stay   Dr. Daniel Dosoretz
                                                                  about the latest discoveries in cancer treatment. I
                                                                  believe everyone should stay informed as you never
                                                                  know when cancer will affect you and/or a family

                                                                  We had a group of 15 at Sandra’s Restaurant for lunch.
                                                                  We invited guests to
                                                                  the lecture, so we
                                                                  had two men at lunch
                                                                  with the ladies.
         Lunch at Sandra’s Restaurant
                                                                  At our next meeting
         on April 4, we plan to decorate luminary bags for Relay for Life on April 14. If you
         would like to have a bag decorated “in Memory of” or “in Honor of" a friend or family
         member, contact one of our members and we will make beautiful bags for you. The
         "Buy One Get One Free" deal is $10 for two bags. The bags will be lighted at the
         Luminaria walk at the Relay for Life Celebration on April 14 at 9 p.m. at Charlotte
         County Fairgrounds.

         We will also draw the winner of our beautiful quilt from the Peace River Quilters at the
         April meeting.  So, if you want a chance to win, contact one of our members and buy   Raffle quilt
         some chances before April 4.

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