Page 6 - Commentator_feb2018
P. 6
MEMBERSHIP Cindy Morrell,
Happy Valentine’s Day! Got a sweetheart? Want a sweetheart? There is no
better way to celebrate LOVE than at the Share the Love for Kids Home
Tour sponsored by Beyond Ourselves, Saturday, February 3. Come out to
support the children of our community.
This New Year’s Eve I experienced in full measure
the LOVE of PGICA. I rang in the New Year
surrounded by folks I’ve met via PGICA. I must admit
in all of my New Year’s celebrations, I have never felt
so encompassed and uplifted by the LOVE from
friends. Many commented on the richness of
friendship and love we have found here in PGI. My wish for you this new
year is that you will become involved and open yourself to the wonderful experience of friendship at PGICA.
PGICA offers many opportunities to gather, learn, enrich, and celebrate life. Please watch for email blasts and check the
calendar in The Commentator and online ( for events that interest you. For our newest members
we will be hosting a New Member Reception on March 28 from 5 to 7. This is the perfect time to meet your new
neighbors and learn more about your civic association. Many of our clubs and organizations will be present to offer
information and welcome our newest members.
Please share the EACH ONE-REACH ONE insert in this Commentator. This is a PGICA BOGO event, Bring One, Get
ONE! Share the application with a friend or neighbor in PGI. When that friend joins PGICA, you will get an additional
month to your membership, FREE!! You are our best advertisement.
Please help welcome the following new members who joined PGICA in December:
Thomas and Karen Sailor William and Elena Hess
Chester and Geraldine DeWitt Paul Baird and Tracie Goin
Thomas and Suzanne Martin Jeffery Bellairs and Cynthia Glock
Orestes and Barbara Rodriguez-Castor John and Elaine Kasulaitis
Robert and Suzanne Evans Hal Tinsely
Duane and Kate Frederici Casey and Laurie Price
Glenn and Susan Gelderbloom David and Tammy Gerringer
Joel and Nancy Krueger Sam Coburn and Terry Olsen
Kevin and Norma Hasselbacher Michael and Holly Fedor
Donald Kilgore Gerald and Kathleen Gilbert
Timothy Howard and Brenda Turner Sarah Crolley
Kristine Lower William Atkinson and Jolene Shong
Vicki Craft Ruth Shong
New Member Reception
Wednesday, March 28
Adeline Seakwood
575.0906 or
Call Adeline if you know of
anyone who is ill, has lost a
loved one, or is just in need of a
word of encouragement.