Page 40 - Commentator_Nov2017
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Join the PGICA Board for coffee and conversation on the second Friday of each month
at 9 a.m., in Room 4 and 5. This is an informal gathering of members of the Board and
Association members. The purpose is to share concerns and put forth suggestions. All
members are welcome to attend.
CELEBRATE LIFE Ladies Cancer Support Group Carol Davidson , 941-575-0956,
October brings the return of some of our snowbirds and we had our first meeting of the
year. On Wednesday,
October 4, we enjoyed
what we call a
“Sharing Meeting.”
This is a chance to
hear what is
happening in each
member’s life and to
get acquainted with
our new member(s).
Several members had
stories of how
information they have
gained from speakers and survivors at our previous
meetings have helped them in their road to recovery.
We also displayed our raffle quilt donated by the Peace River Quilt Guild and pictured in last month’s article for everyone
to see. We passed out chances for members to sell and raise money for the American Cancer Society at Relay for Life
in the spring. We choose to participate in this activity because the money raised remains in the southwest Florida area to
help others fighting cancer and to help research for new prevention and treatment methods.
Our next meeting is November 1, at 10 a.m., the first Wednesday in November. We look forward to having Dr. Eric
Lubiner of the Florida Cancer Specialists and Research Institute speak with us. Dr. Lubiner has spoken to Celebrate Life
annually for several years and we are very pleased he keeps coming back. Dr. Lubiner is Board Certified in Internal
Medicine, Oncology and Hematology. He specializes in Oncology and Hematology. He shares information with us about
the newest diagnostic methods, treatment, and prevention. He happily answers any questions we have. We encourage
interested guests (male and female) to attend Dr. Lubiner’s presentation. The picture here shows our Celebrate Life
group with Dr. Lubiner last year when he spoke at our meeting.
The Celebrate Life Ladies are also looking forward to our annual Pot Luck Party on November 15. We will share special
recipes and have a small Chinese Auction to raise more money for Relay for Life. Spouses and caregivers are invited to
join us which gives us a chance to get to know each other better. We have fun and solve many problems along the way.
As always, we encourage women to join us and learn more about our group. We also invite men to join us for special
speakers like Dr. Lubiner on November 1. Several husbands join us so you will not feel outnumbered. For more
information call Diane Mabey at 941-575-7746 or Carol Davidson at 941-575-0956.