Page 6 - Commentator_June2017
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MEMBERSHIP Cindy Morrell,
June is an exciting time for PGICA. We welcome Regina
Buckley and Dee Hall to the helm of our exciting and fast
moving ship, but remember we are ALL called to lend a
hand in keeping us “Full Steam Ahead.”
Only half of the residents of PGI are members of our Civic
Association. Please share the good news about PGICA
with your neighbors and friends. In addition to receiving
the Commentator magazine, all members are welcome to
participate in the myriad of clubs and activities offered.
We have the Lending Locker open to all members to
borrow needed equipment free of charge. Each week
classes and lectures are offered on many different topics.
As a welcome to our community, NEW
MEMBERS are offered one free round of golf
at Saint Andrews South Golf Club. Beginning
June 1, new members joining PGICA will be offered a FREE BRUNCH at the Isles Yacht Club! These
generous membership incentives will offset the initial annual membership fees to PGICA. THANK YOU
Saint Andrews South and Isles Yacht Club!
In addition to all of the social benefits offered at PGICA, our organization continues to represent you and your
community in local government. Punta Gorda Isles was established as a “Deed Restricted Community” when it was
opened for sales. Under Florida law, deed restrictions expire 30 years after initial sale unless renewed by the controlling
body, currently the Punta Gorda Isles Civic Association. In 1995 the decision was made NOT to renew the deed
restrictions but to work with the City to incorporate unique community standards in the City Code. As a result of this
decision, Punta Gorda Isles is now identified as a “Special Residential Overlay District” that contains special land use
regulations to preserve the original values of the Isles in addition to the general city code. This is a much stronger
standard since these codes are enforced by the City and include provisions for the former deed restrictions which have
expired in many portions of the Isles. Your Association continues to actively work with City Staff and Leadership to
maintain our quality of life and to ensure standards are maintained. Ray Rose is currently the PGICA Board liaison to City
Council and other government meetings.
We are happy to welcome the following new members who joined in April:
Maureen Brady from NY Jim and Jane Provencher from NH
Donald and Crystal Coovert Frank and Lisa Riccio from CT
Jack Restuccia and Gabriele Dooly Randall and Marilyn Simmon from TX
Michael Fetkowitz and April Mazur Conrad and Diana Smith from VA
Edith Nelson from IL Robert and Mary Wilson from MD
Fern Neuhart from OH William and Cindy Volk from OH
Tanya Olson from MN
Lee Bartlett, Sandy Busher, Marilyn Conklin, Marilyn Counter, Randy Douet, Karen Easby-Smith, Joan Ehrman,
Ken Ellingson, Janis Fischer, Randy Hall, Tom Hnat, Sue Horrocks, Don Irgens, Ruth Kliment, Jim Lahrman,
Lynne Laucella, Arylys Lindgren, Susie Means, Dorothy Metz, Mary Jo Miragliuolo, Pauli and Bill Purcell,
Ray Rose, John Stratton, Dianne Tuffs, Jeff Wilson, Maureen Zapke