Page 4 - Commentator_June2017
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THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Debby Carey, 630-995-0332,
Happy June!
We are enjoying the slower months now as our friends from the north have departed. Thanks
to the efforts of Beth Magnin, Regina and Dee have completed the transition period and are
fully entrenched in the day-to-day operations of the Association.
At the May City Council meeting, I listened as various people presented their opinions on the
assessments for the project known as the Alligator Cut. There are some who feel that the
entire Isles area should pay for it because in the long run we all benefit. There are numerous
examples of the entire area paying for items that make the city a better place to live, even if
one never uses them. e.g. the bike paths, the dog park and the playground.
Debby Carey
On the other hand, there are those who maintain that only areas that benefit from the cut through should pay for it.
Believe it or not, there are laws governing how a municipality can decide if a property benefits. A lawyer from
Tallahassee gave a very complete presentation on this. I can see both sides. What troubles me is this: when the first
meeting was held at the Isles Yacht Club there was a standing room only crowd. Once the pronouncement was made
that only the area impacted by the cut would be the ones that paid, the crowds diminished and interest in it died down.
Now the City is rethinking its position and hearing arguments that we should all pay. Since permitting seems to be
stalled at the Federal level, it could be some time before the first phase of construction begins. City Council will have
time to sort this out. The Association is not going to take a stand on this matter. We will invite interested parties to
explain and educate us as the decision process goes on. In the meantime, write your Council members and let your
voice be heard. We live in a vibrant waterfront community; how do we decide who pays?
Another similar issue concerns canal security cameras. The Association formed a committee to look into canal security
after some boats and motors were stolen. The committee found that the benefits of a security camera system would
benefit the entire Isles area. The main benefit to our canal residents would be a recorded history of boats in the area in
the event of a theft. The police department could go back through the video and look for suspicious activities. The cost of
these cameras is well beyond the capability of the Association. The City is not interested in funding them. So again we
face a hard choice. And again I ask, who pays for it?
Your Association is also asking the FWC to look into the health of Charlotte Harbor. Our Fishing Club has noticed that
there seems to be a decided decline in fish available for the sport fishers. As many of us moved here for the Harbor and
the boating and fishing that it offered, it seems only prudent that we let our FWC know of our concerns. If you share this
concern, contact your local representative.
If you have an opinion on these issues, I urge you to let one of your PGICA Board members know. Come to a coffee
with the board, email or call me.
PGICA Board Members…
President Debby Carey Education Carol Duncan
President Elect Aaron Wagner Government Relations Ray Rose
President Past Bill Albers Member Activities Frank Easby-Smith
Treasurer Ron Olsen Health, Safety/Welfare Janet Lynn
Secretary Carol Geiger Membership Cindy Morrell
Center Administrator Randy Hall Marketing & Public Relations Barbe Koss
Planning/Development John Miller
PGICA Mission Statement
“To enhance the quality of life in Punta Gorda Isles as a vibrant and
unique waterfront community.”