Page 4 - Commentator_Apr2018
P. 4

THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE                                       Aaron Wagner, 941-916-9470,

                              If you are new to the Association or to the area, you may not be aware of the Sarasota
                              Community Foundation’s effort to assist over 625 nonprofits throughout the area to raise much
                              needed non-restricted funds. They do it through a 24-hour online Giving Challenge. There are
                              very strict rules in order to qualify for participation. We have the opportunity to participate again
                              this year in the "Giving Challenge," along with our partners the PGI Green Thumbs and the
                              Punta Gorda Mural Society.

                              Your tax-deductible donation can be made online from noon May 1 until noon May 2. There are
                              several ways that one can donate: call the office ahead of time and your information will be held
                              in a secure location until the Challenge begins, fill out a pledge card and send it to the office, go
                              online during the Challenge (we will provide the link the morning of the Challenge), or stop by
           Aaron Wagner       the PGICA office between noon and 8 p.m. May 1, or 9 a.m. to noon May 2. Only those
                              donations made by credit card will be matched.

         Thank you for your generosity in the last two Challenges. We were able to use the Challenge funds for the televisions
         you see around the building, the four computers in the office, the folding doors that allow flexible classrooms, functions,
         the lighting and stage in the auditorium, the commercial refrigerator and the flooring in rooms 4 and 5. We are just
         beginning the much anticipated renovation of the kitchen.

         This year the association will use the funds raised for some of these projects:

         1.  Security cameras in and around the building. Ours are outdated and need to be replaced at a cost of $15,000.

         2.  Carpeting in the auditorium needs to be replaced at a cost of $20,000.

         3.  An overhead projector in the auditorium will cost $4,000.

         4.  Many of the tables used in the auditorium need to be replaced at a cost of $3,500.

         Please consider donating to the PGI Civic Association and to the other non-profit partners. Your donation will go a long
         way towards helping us keep our organization functioning at our best.

         Watch your email for information on the May 1 party at the Civic Association.

                                                                   PGICA Mission Statement
                                                         “To enhance the quality of life in Punta Gorda Isles
                                                          as a vibrant and unique waterfront community.”

                           SUNSHINE LADY

                                 Adeline Seakwood
                                    575.0906 or

                              Call Adeline if you know of
                              anyone who is ill, has lost a
                            loved one, or is just in need of a
                               word of encouragement.

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